Tuesday, 26 March 2024

SOnA.I (Sona) - an android roleplaying character for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

SOnA.I (Sona) - a player character for the second edition of the Doctor Who roleplaying game from Cubicle 7.

Concept: Former Space Security Service Android

Focus: Information

Homeworld: Venus

Tech level: 7

Short-term goal: To record all information

Long-term goal: To find the meaning of existence

Awareness 4, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 5, Presence 2,

Resolve 4, Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 1, Conflict 1, Convince 1, Craft 0, Intuition 1, Knowledge 4, Medicine 1, Science 3, Subterfuge 1, Survival 0, Technology 3, Transport 2

Distinctions: Android - increased Ingenuity, doesn’t need to sleep, breathe, eat or drink. 

Experiences: Being buried on Mars for centuries

Equipment: Digital Eyes - Distinctions:  Scan (can determine dimensions and materials etc. with accuracy)

Conditions: Needs to be recharged from time to time from a power source through a charging mechanism in the neck.

Inexperienced in many social situations.

Story Points: 11

Character background notes

Sona is an android created in 3824 A.D. in the Arcadian Galactos robotic laboratory in a city on Venus. His original primary order was to act as an agent for the Space Security Service (S.S.S.) He is especially useful for recording information with his digital eyes.  In appearance, he looks just like a handsome young man, with longish black hair and piercing blue eyes.

In 3999, he was stationed at Colony 16 on Mars. In the granite building materials being used for the colonists’ quarters, he noticed a marked piece of granite.  The inscription on it referred to “The Doctor”, a mysterious intergalactic hero that Sona had heard whispered rumours about before.

The android attracted the attention of Sara Kingdom, a fellow agent of the S.S.S. After demanding the slab of granite be handed to her, she fired her blaster at the unfortunate Sona. The blast missed as Sona dived out of the way, and hit a nearby pile of rubble, causing an avalanche of granite to tumble down and bury Sona underground. The crashing rock knocked Sona down, draining his energy and leaving him buried under the rubble for centuries, until he was discovered in an archaeological survey and revived by the Doctor. In travelling with the Doctor, he has taken to wearing the clothing of a Victorian gentleman.

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