Sunday, 5 May 2024

Gultarn the Red, tribal warrior on Galentor - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

 A write-up of Gultarn the Red, human tribal warrior on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Tribal warrior

Focus: Bravery

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To protect the tribe

Long-term goal: To honour the tribe with brave deeds

Awareness 3, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 2,

Resolve 5, Strength 5

Skills: Athletics 2, Conflict 4 (Sword), Convince 1, Craft 1, Intuition 1, Knowledge 0, Medicine 1, Science 0, Subterfuge 1, Survival 3 (Forest), Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Sword (+2 to Strength) (A roll of double 1s when used could, at the Gamemaster’s discretion, mean the blade has shattered and the sword has become unusable).

Story Points: 6

Characters notes

Gultarn the Red is a warrior of the tribe on Galentor.  His role is to fight to protect them, and he has fought many battles against the Mugati, the other tribes on Galentor and on occasion, even against the slaves of the Evil Ones (the Robo-Men).  

He carries a sword that has been handed down to him through his family on his father’s side from decades ago.  Although he doesn’t know, the sword was originally manufactured shortly after the initial Dalek invasion over a hundred years ago.  The human settlers at the time realised they were under attack, and in desperation, fashioned weapons from whatever was to hand with their last supplies of fuel and energy. Little of this weaponry survives, and Gultarn’s sword is one of the few remaining pieces from this period. It is quite crude, and due to its age, the blade is somewhat brittle.

He is referred to as “the Red” due to the long red cloak he habitually wears, often with the hood up.  His mother had long, lustrous red hair and so the colour red has always been important to him.

As well as great physical strength and fortitude, Gultarn is immensely brave, and would gladly sacrifice his life for his tribe, which he considers to be his extended family.  He wholeheartedly accepts the mythology of his tribe and the leadership of Thrual.

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