Sunday 22 September 2024

Tereska the Healer and Zareth the Farmer - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

Character details for Tereska the Healer and Zareth the Farmer on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7. 


Concept: Tribal healer

Focus: Healing

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To survive

Long-term goal: To help the tribe survive through her healing.

Awareness 2, Coordination 2,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 4,

Resolve 4, Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 2, Convince 3 (Charm), Craft 3 (Singing), Intuition 4 (Empathy), Knowledge 2, Medicine 4 (Alternative Remedies), Science 0, Subterfuge 0, Survival 1, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Folklore medical items

Story Points: 1

Character notes

Tereska is a beautiful young woman who has, before her time, taken on the role of the tribal healer.  The previous healer, an elderly woman named Koralyn, was taken in a raid by Robo-Men over a year ago, and never seen again, and as Koralyn’s apprentice, Tereska has had to take on the role sooner than she was expecting.

Thankfully, Tereska’s skills and knowledge are held in high esteem by her compatriots and she has had a great deal of success in her work, especially in helping new parents with babies and young children.  The human culture on Galentor values empathy as a natural part of their devotions to Lentargi, the spirit of nature, and Tereska’s genuine patience and caring has led some of her kinfolk to wonder if she has supernatural powers in this regard.

In her studies as the tribe’s healer, she was taught the ancient, pre-interstellar and now extinct language of Inglish. Inglish was a standardised version of English developed during the early 23rd Century as a common international language for humanity to use when Earth became unified during the recovery from the Dalek invasion of the previous century.  Inglish was in turn outmoded by the creation of an AI derived language named Interlac to facilitate communications between humans and AI around the time of the founding of the Empire of Earth in the mid 24th Century.  

Inglish is still important as part of humanity’s cultural heritage, and one of the few remaining paper books the tribe has is a relic from the original settlement on Galentor, written in somewhat barbarous late Inglish, entitled “Q. wiTHz gahd'n: platz n foklor marjik nd olt medzin :)”. Its pages appear to provide a detailed description of the use of plants and herbs in medical potions and treatments.

This particular tome is now well thumbed from being consulted by Tereska and her predecessors for decades, replete with underlining and notes in between the lines and in the margins.  

Tereska is married to the farmer Zareth. They are very much in love, devoted to each other and hoping to start a family of their own very soon.

One other point is that Tereska admires the women amongst the Thals for their bravery and leadership and wishes, in secret, that she was one of them.

Tereska, left, and Zareth


Concept: Tribal farmer

Focus: Farming

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To get the harvest in

Long-term goal: To start a family with his wife, Tereska

Awareness 3, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 2, Presence 2,

Resolve 3, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 3 (Swim), Conflict 1, Convince 0, Craft 3 (Farming), Intuition 1, Knowledge 1, Medicine 2, Science 0, Subterfuge 0, Survival 2, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Walking staff (+2 to Strength in combat)

Story Points: 1

Character notes

Zareth is a young man who is one of the many farmers amongst the tribe.  Most of the tribe have responsibilities to some degree in the production of food, and Zareth is one of a large number who spend most of their time dealing with agricultural matters.

As a farmer, Zareth is noted for his special skills as a butcher.  He is experienced in the efficient and speedy slaughter of an animal, and splitting the carcass into the different cuts. Whilst he is not one of the tribe’s cooks, he is popular amongst his kinfolk for roasting meat on an open fire to perfection.

Zareth is married to Tereska, and they are very much in love and looking forward to starting a family of their own. He grew to know Tereska as Koralyn, the previous healer and Tereska’s tutor, was Zareth’s mother.  Whilst Zareth has never been greatly interested in Lentargi, the tribe’s guiding spirit, or the beliefs connected with it, he has some knowledge of the cult’s secrets and hidden places having grown up with one of the tribe’s spiritual leaders. 

Beyond his duties as a farmer, Zareth greatly enjoys swimming in the warm waters of Galentor, including its rivers and lakes, and has journeyed far to do so.   His interest in swimming has led to him becoming familiar with the Seltharn, large, streamlined marine mammal-like animals that are native to Galentor, and if he is lucky, sometimes he swims with them in the ocean nearest to the tribe’s settlement. In doing so, as well as simply enjoying the activity, he at last feels that he is communing with the spirit of life as his mother had always hoped.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Maldric, Tribal Warrior - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

A write-up of Maldric, tribal warrior on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Tribal warrior

Focus: Combat

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To protect his tribe

Long-term goal: To become one in Lentargi

Awareness 3, Coordination 4,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 2,

Resolve 2, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 3 (Climbing),  Conflict 4 (Staff), Convince 0, Craft 2, Intuition 1, Knowledge 3 (Galentor mythology), Medicine 2, Science 0, Subterfuge 1, Survival 1, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Wooden staff (+2 to Strength)

Story Points: 2

Character notes

Maldric is a fighter for his tribe on the planet Galentor, trained and experienced in various forms of combat, including unarmed fighting.  His favourite weapon though is a staff, which is in reality simply a large stick that he has fashioned somewhat.  Living on a forest planet, thankfully if one staff breaks, it is easy to find another.

He can remember that as a child, there was a tradition of the various tribes of humans on Galentor having seasonal and largely good natured battles with each other, akin to a sporting event. In more recent years, as Maldric grew to manhood, these were replaced by violent raids by the Mugati and Robo-Men. Now Maldric and his fellow warriors are ready to fight to defend their tribe from such terrifying attacks.

When he was a child, he also remembers his family took a Mugati cub as a pet and called it Piknip.  This was a practice going back to before the Dalek conquest of Galentor, and as long as the Mugati cub was well fed, they were endearing and cute animal companions.  Over the years though, even the pet Mugati have become far more aggressive and dangerous, and ultimately Maldric had to release Piknip into the wild, where presumably he still roams.

In his adolescence, Maldric was initiated into the mysteries of the tribe’s spiritual beliefs by the previous tribal leader, Thurvath, father of the current leader Thural.  Maldric grew to passionately believe Thurvath’s teachings about Lentargi, the spirit of Galentor, and the oneness of all living things.  His wholehearted devotion to these doctrines has sometimes put him at odds with the more pragmatic philosophy of the current leader, Thural, although this has never brought them to any conflict or dispute; it is purely a difference of emphasis placed on the teachings of Lentargi.

Maldric (centre), with Thural to his right and Thregar left

Sunday 19 May 2024

Koldar the Scout - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

A write-up of Koldar, human tribal scout on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Koldar the Scout (right) with the Thal soldier, Ganthos

Concept: Tribal scout

Focus: Exploration

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To lean more about the world of Galentor

Long-term goal: To finally know peace

Awareness 2, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 4, Presence 3,

Resolve 2, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 4 (Jumping),  Conflict 3 (Martial arts), Convince 0, Craft 1, Intuition 0, Knowledge 3 (Galentor geography), Medicine 1, Science 0, Subterfuge 4 (Sneaking), Survival 4 (Forest), Technology 0, Transport 0

Story Points: 2

Character notes

Koldar is a member of one of the tribes on Galentor, and is an experienced scout and explorer. 

Whilst he was a young boy, Robo-Men carried out one of their intermittent raids on his settlement. In the chaos, they captured Koldar’s mother, Kolara. Koldar and his father Mordath greatly mourned her loss.

Some months later, Koldar and his little friends were playing in the forests near their settlement when  he happened to look out on a clearing between the trees to see a small contingent of Robo-Men standing in formation. With a shock, he realised one of them was Kolara, his mother!

Fleeing as quickly and as quietly as he could, he returned to the village and told his father what he had seen. Shortly, Mordath and others angrily set out to attack the Robo-Men, in the hope of somehow retrieving Kolara. Even with superior numbers though, Mordath’s attack failed, and Koldar’s father died in battle, shot by Kolara.

These terrible events haunt Koldar even now, and he seeks out the depths of the forests and the open plains of Galentor for solace. He is the greatest store of knowledge of the geography of Galentor in his tribe, and is able to seemingly walk silently wherever he goes if he wishes.

Whilst he accepts that his tribe are reliant on the aid and protection of the Thals, the “Golden Skins” as his people call them, given what has happened to him he doesn’t trust them as they are offworlders. 

Koldar has also found peace in the study of martial arts, handed down from the original settlers generations ago, and is an expert at hand to hand combat.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Gultarn the Red, tribal warrior on Galentor - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

 A write-up of Gultarn the Red, human tribal warrior on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Tribal warrior

Focus: Bravery

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To protect the tribe

Long-term goal: To honour the tribe with brave deeds

Awareness 3, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 2,

Resolve 5, Strength 5

Skills: Athletics 2, Conflict 4 (Sword), Convince 1, Craft 1, Intuition 1, Knowledge 0, Medicine 1, Science 0, Subterfuge 1, Survival 3 (Forest), Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Sword (+2 to Strength) (A roll of double 1s when used could, at the Gamemaster’s discretion, mean the blade has shattered and the sword has become unusable).

Story Points: 6

Characters notes

Gultarn the Red is a warrior of the tribe on Galentor.  His role is to fight to protect them, and he has fought many battles against the Mugati, the other tribes on Galentor and on occasion, even against the slaves of the Evil Ones (the Robo-Men).  

He carries a sword that has been handed down to him through his family on his father’s side from decades ago.  Although he doesn’t know, the sword was originally manufactured shortly after the initial Dalek invasion over a hundred years ago.  The human settlers at the time realised they were under attack, and in desperation, fashioned weapons from whatever was to hand with their last supplies of fuel and energy. Little of this weaponry survives, and Gultarn’s sword is one of the few remaining pieces from this period. It is quite crude, and due to its age, the blade is somewhat brittle.

He is referred to as “the Red” due to the long red cloak he habitually wears, often with the hood up.  His mother had long, lustrous red hair and so the colour red has always been important to him.

As well as great physical strength and fortitude, Gultarn is immensely brave, and would gladly sacrifice his life for his tribe, which he considers to be his extended family.  He wholeheartedly accepts the mythology of his tribe and the leadership of Thrual.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Thural, tribal leader on Galentor - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

 A write-up of Thural, human tribal leader on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Thural, tribal leader on Galentor

Concept: Tribal leader

Focus: Lentargi

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To worship his god, Lentargi

Long-term goal: To lead the tribe

Awareness 5, Coordination 2,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 4,

Resolve 5, Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 3 (Running), Conflict 3 (Spear), Convince 4 (Leadership), Craft 1, Intuition 4 (Sense), Knowledge 4 (Galentor Mythology), Medicine 1, Science 0, Subterfuge 1, Survival 4 (Forest), Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: (Spear +2 to Strength)

Condition: Thural has broken his right arm in a preivous mishap, -3 to Coordination and Strength while he recovers.

Story Points: 6

Character notes

Thural has long been the leader of his tribe of human survivors on the planet Galentor, following the death many years ago of the previous leader, Maratha, in a Mugati attack.  He is the father of eleven children by his three wives.

Thural has from an early age made it his life’s work to learn everything he can about the secret lore of Lentargi, the spirit that embodies the living energy of all life on Galentor.  He was initiated into the hidden mysteries of the old beliefs of his people on becoming an adult.

His time as leader has seen increasing attacks by Mugati. There are tales from times gone by that the Mugati were secretive animals who did not attack the humans unless disturbed, yet in recent years they have grown increasingly savage.

Even more serious are the intermittent and unpredictable raids by the Robo-Men, known to the tribe as the slaves of the Evil-Ones. Terrifyingly, the Robo-Men often capture some of the tribe to take as replacement Robo-Men and soon Thural and his followers face their former family and friends in further raids.  Very rarely, Thural and his followers even glimpse the Evil-Ones, the Daleks, themselves, usually ontop of their hoverbouts flying over nearby treetops. 

Thural is a hearty man in good health (aside from his broken arm), in the prime of life.  His upbringing and beliefs have given him a heightened awareness of the world around him, and on occasion this provides him with an almost supernatural sense of imminent danger. He usually wears Mugati skins, sandals, and a necklace of small parts of inoperable ancient technology.  He has a certain understated charisma all of his own, based on his natural benevolence, and none of the tribe have ever thought to challenge his leadership..

His belief in Lentargi is unshakeable, as is his determination to lead the tribe through whatever fate, the Evil-Ones and their slaves put in their way.

Friday 29 March 2024

Errich Goodbarrel - a halfling roleplaying character for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

Errich Goodbarrela player character for the second edition of the Doctor Who roleplaying game from Cubicle 7.

Concept: Halfling rougue

Focus: Thievery

Homeworld: Abeir-Toril in the Forgotten Realms

Tech level: 2

Short-term goal: To make as much money as possible

Long-term goal: To be as rich as possible

Awareness 2, Coordination 6,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 3,

Resolve 3, Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 5 (Climbing 7), Conflict 3, (Shortsword 5), Convince 3 (Lie 5), Craft 3 (Sing 5), Intuition 2, Knowledge 0, Medicine 0, Science 0, Subterfuge 6 (Sneaking 8), Survival 0, Technology 0, Transport 0

Distinctions: Halfling - three feet tall

Equipment: Shortsword (+2 to Strength), Hand Crossbow (2 / 4 / 6), Leather armour (reduce damage by 2), Thieve's tools, climbing robe and pitons, gentleman's pipe (broken), Potion of Flying*, Ring of Shielding*, bejewelled golden goblet.

Story Points: 11

Character notes

The story of how Errich Goodbarrel, a halfling adventurer from the world of Abeir-Toril in the Forgotten Realms, came to travel with the Doctor is as yet unknown.  The Forgotten Realms is an alternative dimension to the universe that the Doctor normally travels in.

His alignment, were he still in the Forgotten Realms, would be chaotic neutral, although he has a certain natural loyalty to those who were kind and companionable to him.  He has no previous knowledge of the Doctor's universe or its history, and much of it is very alien to him.

* In his native dimension of the Forgotten Realms, these items have magical powers, but in the Doctor's universe, they are only somewhat attractive curios.  On the planet of Saphira (as featured in the scenario A Kind of Magic in The Secrets of Scaravore) they can be used by Errich to cast spells giving him the power of flight and magical shiedling from physical injury (although really Errich is using psychic abilities granted to him by the planet's energy field - he just thinks he is using the ring and potion to cast spells). 


Tuesday 26 March 2024

SOnA.I (Sona) - an android roleplaying character for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

SOnA.I (Sona) - a player character for the second edition of the Doctor Who roleplaying game from Cubicle 7.

Concept: Former Space Security Service Android

Focus: Information

Homeworld: Venus

Tech level: 7

Short-term goal: To record all information

Long-term goal: To find the meaning of existence

Awareness 4, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 5, Presence 2,

Resolve 4, Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 1, Conflict 1, Convince 1, Craft 0, Intuition 1, Knowledge 4, Medicine 1, Science 3, Subterfuge 1, Survival 0, Technology 3, Transport 2

Distinctions: Android - increased Ingenuity, doesn’t need to sleep, breathe, eat or drink. 

Experiences: Being buried on Mars for centuries

Equipment: Digital Eyes - Distinctions:  Scan (can determine dimensions and materials etc. with accuracy)

Conditions: Needs to be recharged from time to time from a power source through a charging mechanism in the neck.

Inexperienced in many social situations.

Story Points: 11

Character background notes

Sona is an android created in 3824 A.D. in the Arcadian Galactos robotic laboratory in a city on Venus. His original primary order was to act as an agent for the Space Security Service (S.S.S.) He is especially useful for recording information with his digital eyes.  In appearance, he looks just like a handsome young man, with longish black hair and piercing blue eyes.

In 3999, he was stationed at Colony 16 on Mars. In the granite building materials being used for the colonists’ quarters, he noticed a marked piece of granite.  The inscription on it referred to “The Doctor”, a mysterious intergalactic hero that Sona had heard whispered rumours about before.

The android attracted the attention of Sara Kingdom, a fellow agent of the S.S.S. After demanding the slab of granite be handed to her, she fired her blaster at the unfortunate Sona. The blast missed as Sona dived out of the way, and hit a nearby pile of rubble, causing an avalanche of granite to tumble down and bury Sona underground. The crashing rock knocked Sona down, draining his energy and leaving him buried under the rubble for centuries, until he was discovered in an archaeological survey and revived by the Doctor. In travelling with the Doctor, he has taken to wearing the clothing of a Victorian gentleman.