Sunday, 23 August 2020

The Last and First Men - a timeline

 A Timeline by Adam D. A. Manning

A study of the points in history described in the novel by Olaf Stapledon. The Last and First Men is an astonishing work of science fiction in which the author seeks to map out the whole of the future of humanity and its descendants far out into the future.  Written in 1930, it is breathtaking in its scope and originality.  

The following is an attempt to distil it into a timeline, to look at the narrative as a chronology.  This section covers just our own civilisation, which forms one part of the time of the race of humans referred to by Stapledon as the First Men.

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Historical dates are underlined
Dates referred to with some greater or lesser precision in the text are in bold
Dates that I have estimated from the text are in italics


470 B.C. to 399 B.C. 
The life of Socrates. 

4 B.C. to 30 A.D.
The life of Jesus of Nazareth. From now on, all dates are A.D.

The fall of Rome.

17th and 18th Century
France and England lead the enlightenment movement that pushes humanity forward.

19th Century
The liberation of Italy.

1914 to 1918
THE EUROPEAN WAR, also known as the War to End War. The least destructive war of all those that follow.

The Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
Later a real proletarian government is established in Russia, which is oligarchical and tyrannical.

1937 to 1938
France invades North Italy.  The Italians ultimately surrender, and the French have complete mastery of the continent of Europe.

c. 1960 to 1970
After a long period of economic isolation, Russia has more and more contact with the West.

c. 1970 to 1980
France and the UK are increasingly eclipsed economically by America and Germany.

1989 to 1990
A dispute arises between the UK and France. Germany tries to mediate. The League of Nations threatens both the UK and France with expulsion.  France launches a surprise attack against England in which poison bombs kill half of the population of London.  The British government send an entirely unprecedent message of peace to the French, saying that the scale of their ruination has persuaded them not to seek revenge.  However, a lone French aeroplane bombs a palace and a school and the mood of the British almost instantly changes. Within a matter of days, Paris is obliterated.  England and France are effectively ruined as industrial nation states.  Both countries are managed for a while by the League of Nations.

2000 to 2020
Russia, whilst communist in theory, becomes increasingly reliant upon American economic support and trade.  Russian culture is greatly enriched by a movement that seeks to harmonize Western intellectualism with Eastern mysticism.

All the nations of Europe (apart from Russia) form the European Confederacy.  America withdraws from the League of Nations. China by this time has become the “natural enemy” of America and remains in the League.  In the following decades, Europe, especially the Germans, grow concerned about increasing American dominance, especially over Russia, which is near to them.  Russia grow fearful of Germany as the epitome of everything wrong with capitalism, despite their reliance on an even larger capitalist economy, that being America.

2039 to 2042
A second-rate German author writes a book which in large part attacks the Russian people in a highly racist manner. Moscow demands the book be supressed, but the subsequent argument escalates into war.  Moscow, Leningrad and Berlin are bombed into ruin.  Western Russia is poisoned by gas, which renders even the soil unfertile for many years.  The poison affects large areas over the continent, killing or injuring many. 
America assists Europe in recovering from this disaster but in doing so, Europe increasingly comes under American financial control.   Europeans increasingly hate and fear American dominance.

2050 to 2060
America proclaims that it is the custodian of the whole planet. American products are everywhere across the globe.

2060 to 2070
Cultural change has by this point led to a general reconciliation and accommodation between science and religion.

2072 to 2073
War breaks out after a period of intense rivalry, particularly between Germany and America, and the occurrence of a series of increasingly serious incidents occur.  A military encounter between the European and American air fleets is the first major battle. The Americans are victorious and press on towards Europe.
As the American Air Fleet approaches Europe, a meeting of scientists takes place in Devon, England to discuss subatomic energy the annihilation of matter.  Lundy Island is destroyed by an experimental device used by a Mongolian scientist to demonstrate these ideas.  Shortly before the demonstration, an English representative present is heard to mutter “Gawd ‘elp us!”, which some of those unfamiliar with English take to be a technical term relating to the energy being used.
After this demonstration, they see the American Air Fleet approach England, but it is destroyed by use of the experimental device. The device is later destroyed as well, and the scientist who made it dies, taking the secret of its creation with him.
America is incensed by the destruction of its air fleet, which had in fact only been sent to “demonstrate” above England while peace was negotiated.  America floods Europe with poison gas, killing its population.

The USA takes over the whole American continent, including South America, becoming the American Continental Federation. Japan joins the Asiatic Confederacy, under Chinese leadership.  The League of Nations is by this point dominated by China.

After years of the globe dividing into two spheres, there are now two “League of Nations”, each claiming authority from the original. One is dominated by America, the other by China.  The American dominated one includes the American Continental Federation, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and what remains of Western Europe and Russia.  The other is made up of Asia and Africa. 

There is a very serious oil shortage. Oil is the world’s major energy source and the League of Nations imposes a system of control upon existing oil fields. From this point on, oil can only be used when no other energy source was available.

2170 to 2270
There is a century of strained peace between America and China, the world’s two dominant powers. A new American religion develops, a synthesis of materialist behaviourism and fundamental Christianity.

Antarctica is discovered to have huge deposits of fuel, beyond the jurisdiction of the World Fuel Control Board.  America is first to seize it, but this is contested by China and war seems inevitable.

2272 to 2297
War breaks out between China and America, ostensibly after a dispute involving American views on Indian child labour.
By the end of the war, Africa is mostly under control of America and Europe is ruled by the Chinese military.  England is virtually uninhabited after repeated bombing. Similarly, Japan is devastated after repeated American bombing.
America unleashes a new biological weapon which destabilises human behaviour, leading to what is called “American madness” in China, where it is used on several cities.

An American and Chinese representative meet on a Pacific Island to negotiate a peace after both nations conclude war is destroying their economies. They agree that a World Finance Directorate is to be created and national governments are to be overthrown. Inspired by a beautiful woman they meet, they complete a treaty of world-union and it is secretly agreed that American cultural values, especially their religion of divine energy, will become supreme, in return for which America will give up its monopoly over the energy deposits in Antarctica.
As everyone is keen to avoid the continuation of the war, this new system is accepted globally in a relatively short period. Industrial activity is regulated by the World Industrial Council.

A rumour begins in China concerning the supreme secret of scientific religion, the unlocking of energy inside the atom. The mysterious young scientist who discovered it over two centuries before is thought of as the Discoverer, and as the Second Coming of the Son of God by the Regenerate Christian Brotherhood, by now the most powerful of the Western Churches.

The President of the World declares that there shall be a formal union of science and religion. The concept centres on the worship of Divine Energy and is largely accepted with acclaim by all. The Sacred Order of Scientists (S.O.S.) is sanctified and ordered to devote themselves to the scientific worship of the Divine Gordelpus.  This becomes the world state’s official religion.

The last of the world’s oil is used up. Aeroplanes must be powered using electricity generated from coal.

2500 to 3500
Material progress and an increase in living standards for all people across the world is very rapid. Medical knowledge becomes very advanced, eliminating all manner of illnesses, disabilities and medical conditions. By 3500, typical life spans near 200 years. As oil has been used up, it is feared that all the coal will be too and efforts are made to utilise the power of the wind and geothermal energy, but these are never entirely successful and only supplement the coal from Antarctica. Aviation and flight are dominant themes in world culture, along with dancing and athletics; the whole of society is based on energy and movement.

c. 5500
Certain essential sources of power are suddenly exhausted by the world state (including the coal from Antarctica), leading to a rapid decline in living conditions.  In responding to this crisis in accordance with their religion, participation in ritual flying is increased, which depletes resources even more quickly. Society’s hope, it is believed, lies in the discovery of the ancient secret of the power of the atom, the holy secret of the Discoverer, and the S.O.S. dedicate themselves to uncovering it, with absolutely no success due to the decline in true scientific enquiry.

c. 6500
Society has declined into a state of widespread starvation, malnutrition and appalling living conditions. The world state’s religion of Gordelpus is openly questioned.   Eventually, it is revealed that the search for the Discoverer’s secret will never succeed and is in fact a lie.  The revelation of this enormous secret leads to worldwide rebellion and China and India attempt to declare themselves as independent states. The world government continues longest in America, but eventually the government there unleashes the “American madness” on its own people and whole populations disappear in a frenzy of cannibalism.
Only in the most fertile parts of the globe are any remaining humans able to scrape a living from the soil.  Civilisation has collapsed completely.

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