Saturday, 16 December 2023

Ganthos, Thal Veteran

 A write-up of Ganthos, a Thal veteran on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Ganthos, Thal Veteran

Concept: Thal Veteran

Focus: Remorse

Homeworld: New Davius

Tech level: 7

Short-term goal: To help his fellow Thals survive on Galentor

Long-term goal: To fight for the New Thal Republic against the evil of the Dalek Empire

Awareness 5, Coordination 6,

Ingenuity 4, Presence 2,

Resolve 5, Strength 5

Skills: Athletics 4, Conflict 5, Convince 0, Craft 1, Intuition 4, Knowledge 1, Medicine 3, Science 1, 

Subterfuge 3, Survival 4, Technology 2, Transport 4

Distinctions: Genetic engineering - increased Strength and Coordination

Equipment: Thal Light Laser Pistol (3/L/L),Thal Assault Laser File (4/L/L),

Galaxy Dagger +4, Nano-knuckledusters +2

Story Points: 10

Experiences: Crash landing on Galentor

Character notes

Ganthos is an experienced veteran of the New Thal Republic’s Interspatial Marine Regiment. Decorated for numerous victorious combat missions, he is well known throughout his people’s military for his shrewd stratagems and iron will to win. Whilst a man of few words, he impresses those he meets with his sense of honour and pragmatic wisdom. He is a direct descendant of Temossuss, a Thal leader from the time after the Thousand-Year War who met the Doctor in the ancient days of legend on Skaro.

He is a superb pilot, yet an incident in the past haunts him. Some years ago, he was piloting a scout ship to deliver a strike squad of marines to a war zone for a secret mission. As they approached the target system, without warning a fleet of Dalek battlecruisers emerged from warp drive and immediately attacked. Sensing a trap, Ganthos did everything he could to avoid enemy fire, but ultimately a nearby detonation damaged his ship’s engines. With moments to spare, he was able to put down on the nearest planet, Galentor. The landing though was more of a crash, and sadly nine of the seventeen troopers perished in making planetfall.

The remaining Thals have battled to survive on the forest world.  They are cut off; the Galen system is isolated from all major hyperspatial routes and this part of the Milky Way Galaxy has fallen under the domain of the resurgent Dalek Empire. Ganthos is burdened by the guilt he feels for their predicament, though the others know that it was only due to his skill that any of them survived the crash. He has become even more taciturn as a result, and accepts that Durac has taken the role as the platoon’s Captain as he is in no condition to lead. Ganthos is the only remaining male Thal amongst his people on Galentor, an unusual situation for them as historically there have often been more male Thals than female. Like his comrades, his physical prowess has been enhanced by genetic engineering.


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