Saturday, 13 January 2024

The Robo-Men

 A write-up of the Robo-Men from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Dalek slave

Focus: Obedience

Homeworld: Various

Tech level: 9

Short-term goal: To obey the Daleks

Long-term goal: To obey the Daleks

Awareness 1, Coordination 1,

Ingenuity 1, Presence 1,

Resolve 2, Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 1, Conflict 1, Intuition 1, Technology 1, Transport 1

Equipment: Laser Pistol (4/L/L)

Armour : (Helmet reduces damage by 2)

Distinctions: The robotising operation makes the Robo-man somewhat impervious to pain - reduce 1 from any damage

Story Points: 0

Character notes

Robo-men are slaves of the Dalek Empire, taken from worlds all over the universe.  They are robotised in a lengthy and agonising operation, the end result of which is to entirely destroy the personality and free will of the individual and turn them into an unquestioning soldier and servant for their new overlords.

The robotising operation also depletes much of the individual’s intelligence, dexterity and abilities.  They serve the Daleks with all their might, and will seek to obey orders they are given to the utmost of their somewhat limited power. 

A Robo-man’s memory is almost completely destroyed in the operation, and so they are unable to remember family and friends from their earlier life. On occasion, this means a Robo-man will be ordered to pursue their former loved ones.  (In game terms, the Gamemaster may choose that one of the time travellers recognises a Roboman, or a roll of double 1s on 2D6 indicates this is the case).

Robo-men constantly wear a helmet, which not only provides a limited amount of protection, but also keeps them in constant contact with Dalek control. The helmet is so inextricably part of the Robo-man’s bodily functioning that if it is removed, they will die within less than thirty seconds.

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