Sunday 19 May 2024

Koldar the Scout - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

A write-up of Koldar, human tribal scout on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Koldar the Scout (right) with the Thal soldier, Ganthos

Concept: Tribal scout

Focus: Exploration

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To lean more about the world of Galentor

Long-term goal: To finally know peace

Awareness 2, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 4, Presence 3,

Resolve 2, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 4 (Jumping),  Conflict 3 (Martial arts), Convince 0, Craft 1, Intuition 0, Knowledge 3 (Galentor geography), Medicine 1, Science 0, Subterfuge 4 (Sneaking), Survival 4 (Forest), Technology 0, Transport 0

Story Points: 2

Character notes

Koldar is a member of one of the tribes on Galentor, and is an experienced scout and explorer. 

Whilst he was a young boy, Robo-Men carried out one of their intermittent raids on his settlement. In the chaos, they captured Koldar’s mother, Kolara. Koldar and his father Mordath greatly mourned her loss.

Some months later, Koldar and his little friends were playing in the forests near their settlement when  he happened to look out on a clearing between the trees to see a small contingent of Robo-Men standing in formation. With a shock, he realised one of them was Kolara, his mother!

Fleeing as quickly and as quietly as he could, he returned to the village and told his father what he had seen. Shortly, Mordath and others angrily set out to attack the Robo-Men, in the hope of somehow retrieving Kolara. Even with superior numbers though, Mordath’s attack failed, and Koldar’s father died in battle, shot by Kolara.

These terrible events haunt Koldar even now, and he seeks out the depths of the forests and the open plains of Galentor for solace. He is the greatest store of knowledge of the geography of Galentor in his tribe, and is able to seemingly walk silently wherever he goes if he wishes.

Whilst he accepts that his tribe are reliant on the aid and protection of the Thals, the “Golden Skins” as his people call them, given what has happened to him he doesn’t trust them as they are offworlders. 

Koldar has also found peace in the study of martial arts, handed down from the original settlers generations ago, and is an expert at hand to hand combat.

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