Tuesday 28 May 2024

Maldric, Tribal Warrior - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

A write-up of Maldric, tribal warrior on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Tribal warrior

Focus: Combat

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To protect his tribe

Long-term goal: To become one in Lentargi

Awareness 3, Coordination 4,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 2,

Resolve 2, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 3 (Climbing),  Conflict 4 (Staff), Convince 0, Craft 2, Intuition 1, Knowledge 3 (Galentor mythology), Medicine 2, Science 0, Subterfuge 1, Survival 1, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Wooden staff (+2 to Strength)

Story Points: 2

Character notes

Maldric is a fighter for his tribe on the planet Galentor, trained and experienced in various forms of combat, including unarmed fighting.  His favourite weapon though is a staff, which is in reality simply a large stick that he has fashioned somewhat.  Living on a forest planet, thankfully if one staff breaks, it is easy to find another.

He can remember that as a child, there was a tradition of the various tribes of humans on Galentor having seasonal and largely good natured battles with each other, akin to a sporting event. In more recent years, as Maldric grew to manhood, these were replaced by violent raids by the Mugati and Robo-Men. Now Maldric and his fellow warriors are ready to fight to defend their tribe from such terrifying attacks.

When he was a child, he also remembers his family took a Mugati cub as a pet and called it Piknip.  This was a practice going back to before the Dalek conquest of Galentor, and as long as the Mugati cub was well fed, they were endearing and cute animal companions.  Over the years though, even the pet Mugati have become far more aggressive and dangerous, and ultimately Maldric had to release Piknip into the wild, where presumably he still roams.

In his adolescence, Maldric was initiated into the mysteries of the tribe’s spiritual beliefs by the previous tribal leader, Thurvath, father of the current leader Thural.  Maldric grew to passionately believe Thurvath’s teachings about Lentargi, the spirit of Galentor, and the oneness of all living things.  His wholehearted devotion to these doctrines has sometimes put him at odds with the more pragmatic philosophy of the current leader, Thural, although this has never brought them to any conflict or dispute; it is purely a difference of emphasis placed on the teachings of Lentargi.

Maldric (centre), with Thural to his right and Thregar left

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