Sunday 22 September 2024

Tereska the Healer and Zareth the Farmer - for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game

Character details for Tereska the Healer and Zareth the Farmer on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks.  This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7. 


Concept: Tribal healer

Focus: Healing

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To survive

Long-term goal: To help the tribe survive through her healing.

Awareness 2, Coordination 2,

Ingenuity 3, Presence 4,

Resolve 4, Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 2, Convince 3 (Charm), Craft 3 (Singing), Intuition 4 (Empathy), Knowledge 2, Medicine 4 (Alternative Remedies), Science 0, Subterfuge 0, Survival 1, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Folklore medical items

Story Points: 1

Character notes

Tereska is a beautiful young woman who has, before her time, taken on the role of the tribal healer.  The previous healer, an elderly woman named Koralyn, was taken in a raid by Robo-Men over a year ago, and never seen again, and as Koralyn’s apprentice, Tereska has had to take on the role sooner than she was expecting.

Thankfully, Tereska’s skills and knowledge are held in high esteem by her compatriots and she has had a great deal of success in her work, especially in helping new parents with babies and young children.  The human culture on Galentor values empathy as a natural part of their devotions to Lentargi, the spirit of nature, and Tereska’s genuine patience and caring has led some of her kinfolk to wonder if she has supernatural powers in this regard.

In her studies as the tribe’s healer, she was taught the ancient, pre-interstellar and now extinct language of Inglish. Inglish was a standardised version of English developed during the early 23rd Century as a common international language for humanity to use when Earth became unified during the recovery from the Dalek invasion of the previous century.  Inglish was in turn outmoded by the creation of an AI derived language named Interlac to facilitate communications between humans and AI around the time of the founding of the Empire of Earth in the mid 24th Century.  

Inglish is still important as part of humanity’s cultural heritage, and one of the few remaining paper books the tribe has is a relic from the original settlement on Galentor, written in somewhat barbarous late Inglish, entitled “Q. wiTHz gahd'n: platz n foklor marjik nd olt medzin :)”. Its pages appear to provide a detailed description of the use of plants and herbs in medical potions and treatments.

This particular tome is now well thumbed from being consulted by Tereska and her predecessors for decades, replete with underlining and notes in between the lines and in the margins.  

Tereska is married to the farmer Zareth. They are very much in love, devoted to each other and hoping to start a family of their own very soon.

One other point is that Tereska admires the women amongst the Thals for their bravery and leadership and wishes, in secret, that she was one of them.

Tereska, left, and Zareth


Concept: Tribal farmer

Focus: Farming

Homeworld: Galentor

Tech level: 1

Short-term goal: To get the harvest in

Long-term goal: To start a family with his wife, Tereska

Awareness 3, Coordination 3,

Ingenuity 2, Presence 2,

Resolve 3, Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 3 (Swim), Conflict 1, Convince 0, Craft 3 (Farming), Intuition 1, Knowledge 1, Medicine 2, Science 0, Subterfuge 0, Survival 2, Technology 0, Transport 0

Equipment: Walking staff (+2 to Strength in combat)

Story Points: 1

Character notes

Zareth is a young man who is one of the many farmers amongst the tribe.  Most of the tribe have responsibilities to some degree in the production of food, and Zareth is one of a large number who spend most of their time dealing with agricultural matters.

As a farmer, Zareth is noted for his special skills as a butcher.  He is experienced in the efficient and speedy slaughter of an animal, and splitting the carcass into the different cuts. Whilst he is not one of the tribe’s cooks, he is popular amongst his kinfolk for roasting meat on an open fire to perfection.

Zareth is married to Tereska, and they are very much in love and looking forward to starting a family of their own. He grew to know Tereska as Koralyn, the previous healer and Tereska’s tutor, was Zareth’s mother.  Whilst Zareth has never been greatly interested in Lentargi, the tribe’s guiding spirit, or the beliefs connected with it, he has some knowledge of the cult’s secrets and hidden places having grown up with one of the tribe’s spiritual leaders. 

Beyond his duties as a farmer, Zareth greatly enjoys swimming in the warm waters of Galentor, including its rivers and lakes, and has journeyed far to do so.   His interest in swimming has led to him becoming familiar with the Seltharn, large, streamlined marine mammal-like animals that are native to Galentor, and if he is lucky, sometimes he swims with them in the ocean nearest to the tribe’s settlement. In doing so, as well as simply enjoying the activity, he at last feels that he is communing with the spirit of life as his mother had always hoped.

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