A write-up of the Mugati, a fearsome forest beast on the planet Galentor, from Tyranny of the Daleks. This is using the second edition rules from the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7.
Concept: Furry carnivorous beast
Focus: Hunting
Homeworld: Galentor
Tech level: 0
Short-term goal: To hunt
Awareness 6, Coordination 4,
Ingenuity 1, Presence 2,
Resolve 3, Strength 5
Skills: Athletics 3 (Running +2), Conflict 3,
Intuition 4, Subterfuge 2 (only for hiding and sneaking), Survival 3
Distinctions: Their thick skin and hide reduces damage by 2.
Equipment: Claws and Teeth +2 to Strength in close combat
Story Points: 1
Character notes
The forest world of Galentor is home to a rich biosphere, with a wide range of living organisms of all types. None though is fiercer and wilder than the Mugati, a furry mammalian carnivorous beast native to Galentor’s southern continent, Ishlarn. The Mugati (a name given to it by the human settlers from ancient legendary tales) haunt the woods, usually in a solitary manner, preying on the herbivorous animals that share this habitat. They are a little shorter in height when standing on two legs than an average human, but far bulkier.
Close scientific study by the settlers of Galentor had previously revealed a surprising parasitical relationship between the Mugati and the large fungi that are to be found on the forest floor. Prior to the collapse of the human settlement, Xafonix, their leading scientist, had proposed that the Mugati specifically hunted the Versolins, a graceful, small gazelle-like creature that feeds on the fungi. In return, the fungi, using unique biological organs, emitted electromagnetic radiation to which the Versolins were attuned, and, by this means, directed the Versolins to run towards the Mugati.
Further study of the unique biosphere on Galentor was curtailed by the breakdown of the human settlement following Dalek raids. The human survivors on Galentor are terrified of the Mugati as the beasts regularly seriously injure or even kill unlucky humans who cross their path. They often hunt at dusk, just when their prey is settling down for the night. They have incredible senses, far above the human norm. They can adopt either bipedal or quadrupedal motion or standing. Their fur is an orange colour, with a brown mane around the head. The jaws have large fangs and the paws on their upper limbs have long claws. Whilst on four legs, they can run faster than a human and when attacking, growl and snarl threateningly. If encountered, their appearance will often terrify the onlooker.
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