Sunday, 3 December 2023

Romana from Tyranny of the Daleks

 A write-up of Romana from Tyranny of the Daleks for the Doctor Who roleplaying game from Cubicle 7.


Concept: Aristocratic Time Lord

Focus: Time Lord honour

Homeworld: Gallifrey

Tech level: 10

Short-term goal: To watch over the Doctor

Long-term goal: To see the Universe after so many centuries stuck on Gallifrey

Awareness 3, Coordination 4,

Ingenuity 9, Presence 5,

Resolve 6, Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 3, Conflict 3, Convince 4, 

Craft 2, Intuition 3,

Knowledge 5, Medicine 3, Science 6 (Temporal Physics), Subterfuge 2, Survival 2,

Technology 5, Transport 3

Distinctions: Time Lord - able to tailor her regenerations, feels the turn of the Universe, low level telepathy

Experienced - increased Attributes and Skills

Equipment: Sonic Screwdriver - Distinctions: Scan (tricky controls), Transmit (limited range), Unlock/Seal (cannot open deadlock seals) 

Story points 3

Key to the Doctor’s TARDIS

Science Tricorder - Distinctions: Scan (Science)

Story Points: 3

Experiences: Romana was President of the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey for many centuries

Character notes

Romana in her fifth incarnation has had centuries of being enmeshed in the political intrigue and power struggles on Gallifrey. A former President of the Time Lords, she has served her time as one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Recently though she has taken a less prestigious role as the only Time lord field agent not part of the secretive Celestial Intervention Agency. Only the enormous respect in which she is held by Time Lord society allows her the freedom to take on this position, created especially for her.

With the agreement of the High Council, she has taken a temporary leave of absence from Gallifrey to seek out the Doctor, who has been mysteriously uncontactable for a prolonged period.  On finding the Doctor, she quickly, almost without realising, became caught up in his adventures in time and space again, somehow forgetting to report back to the new President, Serentis. She is unaware that the new incarnation of the Doctor that she has encountered has gained an additional cycle of regenerations since they last met.

Far more experienced than her previous incarnations, the fifth Romana has no qualms about using a gun. Whilst remaining reluctant to get her hands dirty, she has studied various martial arts as well, which she can put to good use when required. Yet for all her undoubted universal wisdom, she still has the same innocent nobility and self-assuredness of earlier incarnations. 

Her noble nature and august former rank as President leads her to feel perfectly at home addressing monarchs, emperors and others of high standing. She is genuinely caring to all, but can sometimes seem haughty or even arrogant to some.

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